Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #48: This kept me up until 5 AM last night



This doesn’t happen often but when it does, man it’s annoying. Saturday night is the night I stay up late and burn the midnight oil. I don’t do anything productive. I mainly watch UFC fights or play around on YouTube. Saturday night is my night to be a kid, watch whatever I want and sleep in on Sunday morning. Last night, I went to bed listening to a Garyvee podcast. I dozed off around 230am and my son woke me up at 3 AM. After that I couldn’t go back to sleep. I was obsessing about what to do with this podcast. What is going to look like? What if the name is all wrong? Maybe I should start a different podcast? I was worried about a bunch of things that do not matter. I have a ways to go with letting fear and obsession keep me from not doing. In this moment, most of the things I worry about are never going to happen anyway... So why let them stop me from doing what I feel called to do!?