Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #47: I've been tricked: My thinking makes me feel like I'm doing



I was listening to an interview with Garyvee and Tom Bilyeu (link below) and they were talking about the false impression thinking about doing something gives you vs actually doing it. I have to say, I suffer from that... A thinking problem. I've talked about it before, and it's still true. Thinking, worrying and sometimes obsessing about what may or may not happen in my life makes me feel busy. Yet, 99% of what I worry about never happens! I feel like I get the false impression that I'm so creative and business minded because I think about creative business shiz all the time... And again, most of it I'll never do! It's the same with fear and worry. Thinking about scary things happening to you can be just as real as it actually happening... Yet again, the shiz never happens. Sounds like a waste and it doesn't stop me from doing it all the time. Here's an idea, if you’re going to be thinking all the time anyway, why not think about good things happening in the world and all the positive things you want out of