Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #46 - What does success mean to you? Well... it’s complicated



After the episode about Dave Chapelle and a quote of his about success, a friend of mine reached out and asked, “I’m curious, what does success look like for you?” Over the years, my answer has become more complicated. Maybe complicated isn’t the right word. Maybe it’s just, different. There was a time when my view of success was tied to a dollar figure. And a time when it was simply being happy. Today, I’m somewhere in the area of balancing professional and family aspirations, with the ability to remain gratefully in the moment. As for my buddy Chaz, who inspired this episode, here’s his definition. “Success for me is Inner peace and serenity, the ability to calm my thoughts, leading with Love in my relationships, Loving everyone just the way they are.. including myself: free of judgement, awareness of my feelings, willingness to help others anyway I can, respecting and taking care of my energy levels". I like it. It’s simple, meaningful and of service. And there’s still a part of me thinking, but where are