Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #44: So I was in couples therapy this morning and of course it was her fault. No wait, my fault, no wait... I'm confused!



The thing I am coming around to more and more in our counseling sessions are, what are the areas in which I've drawn a hard line in the sand that need to be softened... Especially with regards to my family. In this episode, I talk about few of those areas. And as I'm writing this, I can't remember what they are... but I know they're good, lol! Also, If I can leave you with one thing, it would be, you don’t have to be on the verge of a crisis just find a counselor to talk to. In other words, you don’t need to be on the verge of divorce, quitting your job, hurting yourself or anything else that may cause you to throw your hands up. Finding an opportunity to speak to a counselor, therapist or coach should be as normal as hiring a personal trainer. If you're listening to this on Anchor or Spotify, you can send me a voice message. Either asking a question or simply leaving a comment. Try it out so I can put it on an episode! As always, if you have a question or know someone struggling mental health or addiction, f