Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #40: Want to know one of my guilty pleasures? Here’s 1 of them & something I think abt regularly, MONEY



Finally, peace and quiet! I’m home alone, in my robe with my favorite beverage... coffee. I read a great article on the medium app called “what really happens when you become an overnight millionaire” by Stephanie Clifford (Sorry Stephanie, I misquoted you on this episode. I gave credit to your photographer for writing your article. My bad). This is a story about the founder of RX bars, Peter Rahal. It shed some light on something I fantasize about often, having a lot of money, and the reality of, having a lot of money. I often think that outside things are going to change the way I feel inside. Logically, I know this is not true however, I do it all the time. I think if I had enough money, all my problems would go away. Yet, I equally fantasize about giving all the money away, spending it on dumb shiz and digging myself into debt! Ultimately, the feelings this drums up for me is what’s at the root of everything, self-worth, insecurity and fear. If I do not address these feelings on a regular basis, nothing I