Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #20: You’re a trash can! What did you just call me!?



This episode is about one of my favorite metaphors for how I came into the rooms as a low down, skunk’y, funky trash can. Then, with the help of sponsorship, mentorship and group support, cleaned up to become a responsible, productive member of society. Now, I’m a clean trash can that can handle that which used to baffle me. I know what you’re thinking, a trash can? That doesn’t sound so uplifting! And you’d be right. However, I love the metaphor for how many of us come in overwhelmed, beat down and on a loosing streak. Even the smallest of life situations have been kicking our a*$. Then, with some work, a house cleaning, an inventory and a path to the supernatural, we are able to turn our lives around and sometimes for the first time, handle life on life’s terms.... so grateful.