Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #18: So you want help with with your addiction or mental health? Well, it’s complicated!



As much as I love that there are more conversations going on about mental health and addiction, getting people help can be complicated. From having to answer questions in an assessment correctly, ie: we’ll detox you from alcohol but not opiates or we’ll cover the opiates but not meth, to, getting into treatment and getting discharged early or: the doctor recommends 30-60 day of treatment and insurance will cover 3 weeks. There’s talk about insurance companies and services offering more coverage but ultimately it’s complicated. On the other side of the coin, I’m pro business. Why should an insurance company cover something they don’t have to? There’s no point in complaining about how the system is. We need to work with what we have and make changes as we go. How? You may ask. A good first step would be, being more open about what you’ve been through or about your mental health experience or your experience with drug and alcohol addiction. If anything, your community needs to know they have an experienced advoc