Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #11: Become Supernatural... review of Short Story Long with Chris Drama Pfaff and Dr Joe Despinza



I listened to one of my favorite podcasts, Short Story Long with Chris Drama Pfaff and he interviewed a guy named Dr Joe Despinza. Dr Joe has written numerous books like You Are The Placebo and Becoming Supernatural. He has an interesting background and his quest all started when he healed a terrible back injury with thinking and visualization... even though 4 specialists said the only option was surgery. The thing that stuck out to me the most during the interview was when he said, if you don’t plan your future you are destined to continue to cement your past (I’m paraphrasing). He hammers home the significance of consistently connecting your thoughts with the feelings associated with the results you want as if they’ve happened for you already. Lately, I’ve been hyper aware of how much crap I talk to myself and others... ALL in my head! It’s usually always negative and I end up creating some of the exact situations I say I don’t want. I also address how my impatience and entitlement get in the way of my own