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David C. Baker is an author, speaker, and advisor, working with independently-owned marketing firms around the world.  In fact… he’s worked with over 800 firms and has helped them with everything from positioning to lead generation... staffing to systems… and client acquisition as well as retention.  He’s been called the “Expert’s Expert” by the New York Times and he’s been featured in the WSJ, Fast Company, USA Today, and Forbes.  His newest book, “The Secret Tradecraft of $1M Advisors” is designed to be a handbook for the top 1% of consultants. We’re going to be talking with David about how to set yourself… and your expertise apart to make more impact, have more influence and bring in more income!       Listen To The Podcast:   RESOURCES: David C. Baker Site: www.expertise.is David C. Baker on Twitter: twitter.com/davidcbaker   Before we get to the interview, I have to include a few other fascinating and intriguing elements of David’s history.   He was born in Michigan… but grew up