Bellwether Hub Podcast

The Other “Hi-Po”



This week’s podcast is for “the people.”  Many organizations bring me in to work with their “high potential” employees (hi-po for short); those people who are seen as the future leadership of the firm with a lot of potential. I, along with my partners, offer coaching, individually and as a group, and put together leadership programs specific to them and their company’s needs. We accomplish a lot, we get great reviews, and we are excellent at what we do.  This week isn’t about that. It’s about the other huge segment of people at the company who I really love to work with, and I call them “The Other Hi-Po” … or hidden potential. These are the people that don’t get the full force of the company’s support, might feel misaligned or frustrated with their organization, and float around from one organization to another without really tapping into something meaningful and engaging.  In my corporate career, I was very much a hidden potential.  I was very capable in my role. I was always “picked first” fo