Adam Fortais

CUPEcast Ep. 1 : What is CUPEcast? Bargaining updates (Oct 21, 2019)



Welcome to CUPEcast, a show about CUPE 3906 , the union for McMaster TAs, RAs, sessionals, postdocs, etc. In this first episode introduces the reason behind this podcast, introduces your host Adam, and will bring you up to date on the bargaining between McMaster and Unit 1.  Looking to help? Let’s keep this momentum going! Reach out to your Department      Chair or Executive Committee for letters of support like those linked      above. Similarly, if you are      involved in an organization on campus that supports our bargaining      priorities, ask your fellow members for a public statement of      support! Use social media to increase      pressure on McMaster to return to the table ASAP. Our Twitter and Facebook accounts      tend to have lots of content for      sharing. You can also tak