Adam Fortais

Random Walk Ep.3 Ethics of Science Communication with Dr. John Bandler and Rachelle Ho (Host: Adam)



WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) and the SciGSA are hosting a very exciting talk on Tuesday, October 22nd. They are hosting Dr. John Bandler, decorated engineer and passionate science communicator, who will talk about the Ethics of Science Communication. This week I talk to Rachelle Ho (ex-WISE president) and Dr. Bandler about the event coming up, and how to ethically speak about science and research. We all want to tell a riveting story, but what you say and what people hear aren't always the same... Sign up to attend in advance here (but if you just show up, it'll be ok.) Follow Dr. Bandler and Rachelle on Twitter! Follow me on Twitter if you wanna! Thank Boonie personally, for supplying music to the show at Boonie.Rocks