Adam Fortais

The AlmaMAC: Psychology of Acting and Burnout in Grad School with Matt Berry (Host: Shawn)



  Matt's website: B U R N O U T Definition: How to tell: Matt Berry: To treat burnout you will need to stop working. Rest. Seek counseling and/or medical help. You need to lower your expectations of yourself and virtually eliminate what others expect from you. Find activities that relax you and being you joy and focus on those for a start and detach yourself from work if you can. Ultimately, because work is about expectations (either self-imposed or set by others), I believe that you can continue working and recover from a burnout slowly over time (it is not a quick fix). But eventually you will be able to manage it all again. You got this, I believe in you. Take it easy on yourself.Activity: if you're anxious or depressed and have a hard time getting your work do