AdminDev Labs

Career Change with Lionel



Today I have the great pleasure of speaking with Lionel, a systems engineer with an incredible story about changing his career from a dead end job into the hustle and bustle of systems and software. Next episode I am going to dive into what I've been learning about threads and race conditions. ### Introducing Lionel - Systems Engineer - Ops, Dev, DBA - Management side, day to day, how he got to where he is, biggest challenge ### Threads and Race Conditions - Sneak peak into next episode - Golang tool - Functional Programming - Testing vs Design ### Lionel Interview - Who are you - What do you do ### How did you get here? - Your pressing situation - Cranking out certs - Getting the job ### Tech Enthusiast - Favorite technology stack - What interests you - What motivates you - Favorite part of your job ### Current Project ### Future and Biggest Challenge ### Shout out to Josh Duffney and Hayden Barnes