Bob & Sheri

Lamar reviews - Joker



I don’t know what in the world I was expecting, but this wasn’t it!  Joaquin Phoenix is a really weird dude and an unbelievably talented actor.  And he uses every ounce of that talent along with the weirdness to play this role.  Phoenix plays Arthur fleck, a guy who lives with his mother and has been in different mental institutions over the years.  He sees a social worker once a month and has a job as a clown who is hired to do parties and stand outside of stores with a sign.   It is hard to tell if you are watching what is actually going on or what he is living in his mind.  That part is both confusing and chilling when you realize some of the normal activity is nothing but scenes he has conjured up in his mind.  His mother has told him he was put on this earth to bring joy and happiness to other people.  He wants to be a standup comedian and keeps a journal of jokes along with other bizarre writings.  He also suffers from a condition that makes him erupt into fits of laughter.  It happens so often at the