Power-stability-play: Health Tips For Busy & Confused Professionals

19: Tiffany Seybert on Cop to Yoga, Breathing Exercises, and More!



Links: -coptoyoga.com "3 Breaths, 7 Minutes" Exercise (optional: use a timer for each) 1. Long Deep Breathing: Slowly inhale and exhale through the nose, breathing up into the belly, chest, neck and head, and then back down. The exhale will be longer, allowing for a deeper inhale. The breath deepens immediately, engaging the Parasympathetic Nervous System to lower blood pressure, and slow the heart rate. (3 minutes) 2. Left Nostril Breathing: Block off the right nostril and do Long Deep Breathing in/out of the left side. This breath downshifts us into extra deep calm, to access the peaceful power that prepares us for stress. Perfect in advance of a situational stressor, or to advance a deeper level of calm anytime. (2 minutes) 3. Warrior Breath: Inhale through the nose for four seconds, hold for four, exhale through the mouth for five. Gently pull in the abs and hold the breath out for three. That's one round. Do six rounds. (2 minutes). ******************* Questions/Comments? duncansalekfitness@gmail.com