Brothers Podcast

The Good Guy feat. Paul, Kami & Ferris



 This week we welcome Paul & Kami from CupsNConvos back onto the show as well as our guy Ferris. They all discuss the recent major growth of their CupsNConvos movement on social media, what they've done to capture that momentum, their plans for the future as well as the fake love they've all experienced since created CupsNConvos. Then the guys engage in a heavy debate on what a "good guy" really is with Nico at the end of it all. Who's side are you on? Hear it all on this week's new episode. Created & curated by: Dominique/Abdalla Our guests: Paul/Kami/Ferris of CupsNConvos IG: @tresrare_nico/@mrhazel_ Our guests IG: @vitamandiddy/@lekurokami/@ferriswheeljay Podcast IG: @brothersspodcast Twitter: @VeryrareNico/@MrHazel_ Our guests Twitter: @vitaminDiddy/@KahxMe Check out their all content on their @CupsNConvos IG/Twitter page ! Email: Enjoy Rate & Subscribe !