Tamahn Jamison

S.A.L.E.S. is Simple Podcast Ep:43



The topic for today's episode was sparked by a listener who contacted me about a problem. She was frustrated by a company who she did business with that never delivered on their promises. In her case, she will definitely say "no" to this business from here on out. But she also may be more apt to say "no" to the next company based on her current experience(s). Customers may say "no" to you for any of these 4 reasons: 1) You haven't built a connection. 2) You have failed to execute. 3) You haven't asked them to buy. 4) You only ask them to buy one time. You can get some online training through the Sales Pro Academy (www.salespro.academy) or directly from me by scheduling a consultation at www.tamahnjamison.com.