Camp Hamilton Veterans Memorial Park

Camp Hamilton #057 Vernon Valenzuela



The stories about Vernon Valenzuela from Kern County veterans could fill a book. Vernon Valenzuela served in the Army during Vietnam. He had a tough tour and because of the people he knew and lost, Vernon became heavily involved in veteran's issues, especially Post Traumatic Stress. Vernon was the one who brought the Federal Veteran's Outreach Office to Bakersfield on Golden State Avenue. He passed away at a young age in 2012. Glenn Denton and so many others, including this podcast interviewer, appreciate everything that Vernon did. My husband, who has severe PTSD, could not handle the emotion and crowds at Vernon's funeral. We arrived just as his family was leaving the Bakersfield National Cemetery. As he stood over Vernon's open grave. my husband placed his EOD badge on the casket and gave a tearful goodbye. Vernon Valenzuela's legacy lives on at the hearts of the veterans and families he guided.