Gg2h-angela J. Perry

Girlfriends Chat 29: with Tara Omotosho



Tara Omotosho of Maryland is the homeschooling Mom of four boys all under the age of 11. I had the priviledge of sitting down and interviewing Tara on my show, Girlfriends' Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry, Episode 87. You can find it on YouTube, facebook and on the tumblr website for the show. On today's podcast, Girlfriends Chat, we dig deeper around the subject of Tara homeschooling a very very challenging son, how she deals with it daily, her convictions to stay in the 'game' of homeschooling inspite of her challenges, and what she has learned as a result of her challenge with her son. Tara deflates the 'glamor' of homeschooling while giving a hopeful and expectant end whenever she calls each of her sons by name. --- Support this podcast: