Dr. Carol Francis

Astrological Reader & Sage Maria Francesca Triliegi 2020 Globally & Personally



Maria Francesca Trilegi is the founder of Spirit*Mind*Bodyworks providing practical tools for living life with a wellness approach. Maria is certified as an astrologer since 1983. Her keynote presentations, classes, and written messages guide, inspire, and enlighten those who know her. Now you can know her too. She will speak about serious global concerns including coronavirus, politics, global warming, economy and world peace.  She will also address your astrological strengths, weaknesses, optimal and less than optimal circumstances to help you navigate your 2020 experiences.  With love and clarity, Maria Francesca Trilliegi will open your heart and bring clarity to your decisions. http://www.mariafrancescatriliegi.com  Contact Maria for 15 minute free consultation if you mention this program at her website or at 707-292-1882 and 310-548-1338.  Dr. Carol Francis is a Clinical Psychologist, Marriage, Family, Child Therapist, Certified Medical Hypnotherapist whose office services Los Angeles, Ca.  Author of