Hannah Holladay Health Radio

How to Uplevel During Quarantine



So many of us have been programmed to think that we must be always on the go “doing” something. With this “rat race” mentality we may have distracted ourselves from really feeling and processing our emotions. In the distraction we’ve denied ourself the opportunity to heal. Raising our vibration doesn’t mean things are always positive and light, we have to feel the darkness as well. It’s an aspect of us that we have to shine a light on and love. During this time when everything is on pause, I invite you to not distract yourself from doing but instead sit in stillness and feel. You will heal and uplevel in such a massive way if you allow this. Meditation to cleanse dense emotion and raise your vibration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSiSJFDeyCM&t=29s Email me at hholladay@gmail.com to book a session. Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hannahlholladay/ for more.