Hannah Holladay Health Radio

How to Move With the Only Constant, Change



You can feel the energy bubbling up in the world can't you? It's heightened af. There's a reason for this. Things are changing and will continue to change massively over the next several years. This is overall a positive thing. We're in need of real change on this planet but what comes with that is a dismantling of the old. Old systems and structures will have to crumble in order for us to create the positive change we are looking for.  At this time on the individual level, we are being asked to let go of what no longer is working for us. What belief systems, habits, patterns, relationships, work environments, etc are you ready to let go of? What stagnant energy or old emotions are you ready to release?  In this episode, I discuss how to use elements such as water to support you in releasing old energy that is no longer serving you. I invite you to take a look at your life and surrender the need to control the future and be brave in asking yourself "if I had no conditions, what would I want my life