Transform Our World Nor Cal Intercessors Thursday Prayer Call

A Word for Intercessors of California from Joan Swallow



"God has poured out so much blessing upon California, but look at the state it is in now. Intercessors, it happened on your watch. What are you going to do about it?..." Joan Swallow In my opinion Joan Swallow is on o the intercessors I trust the most to pray for our nation and to hear from the Lord on our behalf. She called me up last week "out of the blue" and told me she had a word for intercessors in California, "but your probably not going to like it." I told her to lay it on me, it was a challenge to stop waiting for others, and stop making excuses, instead own the mess and humble yourselves before the Lord in repentance and intercession. I have heard this before. I aspire to live my life in a position of humility. We have been intentionally seeking the Lord humbling ourselves and repenting, I believe in his wisdom he knew I needed to hear it again and repeat the same exercise again, until we get it. I am so grateful to Jesus who drank the cup, not until he was finished but until the job was finished. L