High Vibe Human Podcast

009 // hormone healing & thriving as a projector ft. Shannon Leparski



In this episode, we speak with Shannon Leparski, the creator of The Glowing Fridge and Certified Hormone Specialist. She tells us her story of how she took control of her hormones and become a hormone healing guru to help others do the same. She's a fellow projector (just like your host!) and thriving in her energy type! She has also harnessed the power of her authority and was able to manifest her dream of writing a book which will be released on September 29th 2019! Connect with Shannon @theglowingfridge theglowingfridge.com Shop eBooks Free Human Design Chart: mybodygraph.com HVH Pod Squad Facebook Group Sponsor: Educating Earthlings Offering listeners a discount link to all online programs including 1:1 coaching! 15% off Plant Based Difference: The "Go Vegan" Workshop 15% off Authentically You: The Personal Growth Workshop 20% off 3-month Coaching Bundle 20% off 6 month Coaching Bundle LET'S CONNECT High Vibe Human @highvibehuman highvibehuman.co Educating Earthlings @educating.earthlings educating-ea