On Digital Media

2014.6: The Chicken or The Dongle



This week, John Federico (@gadgetboy), Chia-Lin Simmons (@chialinsimmons), Craig Calder (@ccalder) talk about the latest news in digital media and what it means for you. You can send comments and questions to comments@odmcast.com. We try to answer everything you send "on air." Visit http://odmcast.com to subscribe to the podcast. While you're there, be sure to subscribe to our announcements list via email. Follow us on Twitter at @ondigitalmedia. Subscribe to the YouTube channel. This week, we tried an alternative Google Hangouts and Skype. We tested WebRTC tools: Talky.io Appear.in We ultimately chose Appear.in for this episode due to its better video window management. (But we didn't record the video - there isn't built-in video recording in WebRTC platforms since it's a peer-to-peer technology.) Some reading material on Pono (TL;DR: You can’t tell the difference. I screwed up the explanation of audio sampling. Be sure to read this post.) Anti-Social Networking App Helps You Avoid Friends You D