On Digital Media

On Digital Media 118: It's All Black These Days



On Digital Media 118: It's All Black These Days In this episode,John Federico (twitter: @gadgetboy), Chia-Lin Simmons (twitter:@zeropts), Craig Calder (twitter: @ccalder) and Steve Hatch (twitter:@shatch) are joined by Rob Greenlee (twitter: @robgreenlee), Lead Podcast Producer, Content & Programming for Zune, Windows Media Center - Interactive Entertainment Business, Microsoft - Zune.net and ZuneInsider.com & Podcast. We chat about: Past Events: Craig attended DigiDay Video and the Founders Series in NYC. Upcoming Events: John will be at Vator Splash with Bubbalon on December 15th in NYC and is preparing to attend SXSW. Rob will attend SXSW and CES. Chia-Lin will attend CES. Steve will attend nothing, as usual. ;) Plugs: Rob may bring back WebTalkRadio! What's next for Zune? What is now? Rob chats with us about devices, the software, the platform and the media. Comcast and Level 3 duke it out over peering. Net Neutrality comes into question. FCC steps in. Who loses? Probably the consumer. Verizon L