On Digital Media

On Digital Media 110: Facebook Fone



On Digital Media 110: Facebook Fone Click to download  In this episode, John Federico (twitter: @gadgetboy), Craig Calder (twitter: @ccalder) and Steve Hatch (twitter: @shatch) chat about: Visit MagicalTablet.com for iPad news, perspectives and reviews Events: John and Craig to attend the Yield Executive Summit in NYC on September 29th Ad Exchanges and Big Media Check out Adexchanger.com for the scoop on ad exchanges MobileEco Summit Recap Mobile Marketing vs. Mobile Advertising Smartphone penetration The market size for feature phones The Facebook Phone Zuckerberg to donate $100 million to Newark, NJ public schools; Cory Booker to swoon ;) Our music is Democracy from Alexandr Blu. Send us tips, comments, questions or gripes to comments@odmcast.com. For partner or sponsor information, contact John Federico at http://newrules.com.