On Digital Media

On Digital Media 93: Nerd Chicks Love The Droid!



In this episode, John Federico (twitter: @gadgetboy), Craig Calder (twitter: @ccalder), Chia-Lin Simmons (twitter: @zeropts) and Steve Hatch (twitter:@shatch) opine about: Events: Craig and John will be attending Web 2.0 Expo New York, November 16 - 19 An Historic Week: Happy 40th Birthday, Internets! Happy Birthday, Banner Ad! Craig worked on the campaign to create that first banner. Jeff Jarvis talks about Howard Stern 3.0: The Future of Entertainment Sirius XM Year-Over-Year Net Susbcribers haven’t increased in a year AT&T’s Network Problems Could be Self-Induced by Poor Architecture Chia-Lin has groped the Droid and is in love with this new gadget. Google has released Android 2.0 along with Droid, brings free Google Maps turn-by-turn navigation. A game changer, to be sure. Even with an exclusive on the Palm Pre, Sprint still lost subscribers last quarter We love Julius Genachowski, the new head of the FTC. The FTC wants to buy back TV spectrum to make it available for mobile devices. Broa