Running Wild With Christine

Ep 53: The One Year Anniversary, with Amy



Welcome back Amy! It's been A YEAR!!!!!! HOLY SHIT! One year since the first three episodes aired! Holy crap. I can't even explain how much it means to me that you guys stuck around, brought your friends along, and made this community what it is today!  It was therefore only natural to bring Amy back for this personal episode of more BITCHING and running wild!  Topics we bitched about:  conflicting needs: Security vs. Freedom, changes, the unexciting reality of everyday life, silver linings, adapting to living with your significant other, the fear of losing oneself within a couple, FEARS in general, social pressure, monogamy vs not, choosing to have kids or not, what makes you truly you, and much more.  This one is full of rabbit holes and we go on rants and catch up, but hey this is where this podcast came from! Therefore join us for this conversation that goes all over the place! Bottom line: it's ok not to know what you want, yet. It's ok to get what you wante