Running Wild With Christine

Ep 41: New Year, New You? With Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey & Anita Cassidy



It's a warm welcome back to our dearest Anita Cassidy and Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey. Lori is a psychologist and sex and intimacy coach, and Anita is a writer and founder of We are back to talk about the repercussions of boundaries, new year's resolutions and expectations! It's a big one for anyone struggling with the enormous amounts of pressure we feel around this time of year to "improve ourselves" according to capitalism & patriarchy's standards.  Instead, let's focus on communication and accountability.  Anecdotes contain examples from: polyamory/non-monogamy, writing, single life, friendship, setting historical context to labels, inability to accept complexity, and living outside of boxes.  Take sweet care you wonderful souls. Do the work, without the expectations, and be aware of your intuitions when inevitably curveballs happen!  On Twitter, you can reach us at @drbisbey, @anitacassidy76 and @christinewild_ . You can find out more about Lori at drloribethbisbey