Running Wild With Christine

Ep 31: The Personal is Political, with Joanne O.



Welcome to this very vulnerable episode about life after sexual trauma. Joanne O, my dear friend, was just published in the New York Review of Books (Oct 25, 2018) in Responses to ‘Reflections from a Hashtag’. She was one of the women victimised by Gian Gomeshi back in 2013, and wanted to share her story with me. I highly recommend you read her piece and listen to this incredibly insightful story of hers. She walks me through the past four years of consistently being triggered by the media and the ways she has been coping with how trauma fundamentally changed her. Amongst other things, we discuss rape culture, being in a relationship now, what "normal" means, sex & orgasms and simply existing in today's world. Next time you click, think about whose story is worth more to you? Bottom line: it's ok to make mistakes. And this is how you apologize: 1. Admit your mistake. 2. "This is how I fucked up". 3. Sincerely apologize. 4. "How can I start attempting to make it better?" = ACCOUNTABILITY. As promised