Running Wild With Christine

Ep 30: Ethics & Web Design, with Morten Rand-Hendriksen



Welcome to a fascinating episode! Morten Rand-Hendriksen, educator for LinkedIn Learning on Web Design and Interaction Design instructor at Emily Carr, walks me through his life journey from university politics in Oslo, to his 16 year-long "life experiment" in Vancouver. In our usual RWWC pattern, we follow life's unexpected twists and turns, while remaining conscious of how privileged certain opportunities are, to get to today's main topic: Ethics (or the lack thereof) in Design and Tech. What kind of world are we creating? What lessons from philosophy can we apply to design as a language? Why is the industry trying to come up with a whole new set of ethics? How do we take ads and money out of the equation and replace it with human betterment? We are conscious that tech is built to keep us engaged are distorting our understanding of reality, but what now? My fave quote: "Your life is actually this huge loop, where you go somewhere and you abandon it for a very long time, and it just naturally comes back,