Zoe Life Foundation - Usa




Zoe Life Foundation Austin Sparks edited Lifman Di THE DIVINE RESOURCES "And no one ascended into heaven, but he who came down from heaven, the Son of man, who is in heaven." John 3:13 what is already being said is that the Lord Jesus had in the background of his life here among men with his only resource his Father and the multiform wisdom of God through the divine resources, over which he was continually recurring in his life and work. This can be put in this inclusive way: Christ, despite having become flesh, had his life on earth and heaven by the Spirit. Although here on earth, He was nonetheless in a spiritual way, and in a very living way or natural but with another resource. the indestructible life of God and influence. The same we see in his followers were filled with the Holy Spirit as Jesus breathed on them in a spiritual way. Also empowered by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and then the expression of his body the Church. Surely if the language means something that means that Christ had an elevated a