Raising With Lisa Clark's Podcast

Episode 52: The #1 Thing I Did to Reach Our Annual $5.2M Budget!



The #1 Thing I Did to Reach Our Annual $5.2M Budget! You did ALL THE THINGS that you do annually to reach your revenue goals but somehow fell short of reaching your annual budget. For some reason all those ideas that were buzzing around in your head at the beginning of the fiscal year that you wrote into a high-level strategic fundraising plan didn’t work! Why? Strategic plans are fabulous. They’re a great way to put all those fundraising ideas down on paper. And, let me guess, you likely did more than just write-up a plan. You likely met with your ED to go over ideas and got his/her approval on moving forward with your ideas. And the board likely approved the ideas, too! If you designed this high-level strategic fundraising plan right, it probably included the following: Securing Grants Securing Individual funding such as annual gifts and major gifts Hosting a new fundraising event Participating in the annual online giving campaign of some sort ALL THE THINGS! They were there on paper ready to be…….