Raising With Lisa Clark's Podcast

Episode 38: My Job as a Fundraiser at the Auction



Through the years I have learned that many organizations don’t have many expectations for fundraisers at an event. But I can't tell you that you’re leaving money on the table by not having a strategy on site at an event. All of you can play a part in the day of your event that allows you to do what I talked back in Episode 36 before the event, during the event, and after the event strategies. However, I want to go more in depth in the different tasks that you can do during an auction to get more money for your nonprofit organization. But Who Am I? Hi! I'm Lisa Clark and I help nonprofits and fundraisers like YOU raise money through events so you can meet your annual revenue goals! I'm also the host of a free Facebook Group, Raising with Lisa Clark, a free group for fundraisers, NPOs, development team members, volunteers, and supporters. I included a link below so you can request to join right away! Link to Join Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/112148672944584 Want even more details on how to gr