Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Ep 62: Uncertainty... it’s different and the same



During this wild shutdown, which many are experiencing for the first time, uncertainty can rule the day. I find myself swinging from one end of the spectrum to the other, either we’re all overreacting to, man this shiz is kind of serious! I’m grateful that for the first time in 20 years, I’m not working for straight commission and that my job has been deemed essential. So, I have a good chance of not being laid off. Working for a mental health hospital brings into reality how many people have to put themselves and their families on the front lines while we figure this out. I also feel for those struggling with addiction and that are new in recovery. I went to a meeting every day for 5 years early in my recovery. I’m not sure how it would have effected me going from intimate, in person meetings to isolation and virtual meetings. However, I know one thing for sure, when pressed and squeezed, most people will figure it out. We always figure it out and it’s almost never as bad as we imagine it to be in our heads.