Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Ep 61: Are you making it harder for your kids? Also, a lesson in cleaning... Your side of the street



So often I sit in these team meetings with kids, their parents and whoever is trying to make a mental health or addiction recommendation and it’s as if we’re fighting an uphill battle. What happens is, the parent ends up answering all the questions for the kid and then decides what they're willing to do and not willing to do with the recommendations. The results leave the kids feeling like they aren't capable of communicating how they feel, what's going on or to even take ownership in their treatment. It also makes it challenging to accomplish the thing everyone really wants, including the parent, which is to get the kid the help they need. It reminds me of when new people come into 12 step recovery rooms and say, I’m desperate, I need help, I’ll do anything and then they proceed to tell everyone that they’re only willing to do about half of what’s being recommended. To be fair, changing everything is hard and intimidating. Most people are trying to navigate what all they really have to change... it surly doe