Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode 58: Here’s what happened in my first EMDR therapy session... it’s kinda crazy how it happens



For so long I’ve been saying I want to seek, dig and change that which has been plaguing me. The funny thing is, although I say that, I’ve come face to face with the question, “is it really true?” What I mean is, I have a tendency to make changes in my life, then slowly resort back to the old behavior I say I’m fed up with. In this episode, I share a real life experience from a therapy session where I go through a process with my therapist, it works, then I consciously and subconsciously try to undo the change... and I couldn’t do it. I’ve continued to try over the last week and it won’t work. It’s literally as if my brain has been rewired, which is exactly what they say EMDR therapy does. I still laugh to myself when I think about it. Contradiction, as woke as I think I am, I’m still a contradiction!