Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #56: One of the best tools you can have when you have the opportunity to help someone



Meeting someone where they are... One of the best tools you can have when you get to help someone. When this is done right, you're able help while allowing people to have their own life experiences, both good and bad. The last thing you want to so is rob someone of an experience they need to have for themselves. For me, there are times where I fall into the habit of "telling" or ”preaching” at people... And I do mean ”at” people. Usually, this has to do with me not being in a great place spirituality. I can also be feeling out of control and it makes me feel better to ”tell” or attempt to ”be right”. Another thing that can be challenging is when someone is too close to you like a close friend or family member. When you have a vested interest in the outcome with someone, it can muddy the waters really quickly! On this episode, I talk about how to be a resource and how to keep the door open by meeting someone where they’re at.