Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #55: Because I don’t believe ME!



Have you ever wanted to do something like, start working out, quit drinking or smoking, sign up for that course you’ve been wanting to take but finding yourself not doing it? Or sometimes even more challenging, you start off strong but end up quitting after you get started? For 2020, I'm seeking to answer the question, ”what is it within me that causes me to quit or not follow through”. On this episode, I talk about how I set some intentions for the new year and am going through the right motions however, I just don't believe them... I don't believe me... So what do you do when this happens? Do you quit? Do you act as if or fake it until you make it? The answer is probably all of them, quite quitting, do it until you believe you. I don't love fake it until you make it but if it works, fake it until you don't have to fake it anymore. As for me, I'm just going to keep doing it until I believe it... Until I believe ME!