Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #54: The Hardest Lessons I Learned in 2019



There have been so many times in my life where I thought I "knew it". I wouldn't say ”I knew it all” but I felt confident in the knowledge I used to make decisions. 2019 was one of the best years of my life and yet I still found myself face to face with the realization that "self-knowledge availed [me] nothing”. Knowledge is valuable, Knowledge is power and Knowledge is helpful... But Knowledge isn't everything. Much like awareness, knowledge is but a start. Knowledge in itself isn't a solution, it's what you do with the knowledge that will determine the outcome. On this episode I talk about an interaction I had with a friend regarding social media, the ”them’s” and the ”they’s”, and the uncomfortable fact that most of my problems are created from my own deep-seeded insecurities. I want to thank all my family and friends for being just that, friends and family. Here's to ”Loving what is” in 2020. If you know someone that would benefit from hearing a podcast like this, share it with them and if you know someon