Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #53: We were fighting and this happened... then it alllll changed



This weekend, my wife and I were out shopping and ended up in an argument. A common theme in many of our arguments... MY TONE! Before I know it, we are no longer talking about the original situation, we are debating about the meaning behind my tone. I call this ”getting into left field”... As you can imagine, this does nothing to help my case! However, this weekend, mid-argument Sarah says something to me to totally shifted the conversation. It was no longer about me defending my position or Sarah trying to communicate how ”I was doing it wrong”. It became about Sarah sharing something personal and vulnerable with me that shifted me from defense to compassion. On this episode, I tell you what she said and how this could be the shift we've been striving for in our relationship. Let me know what you think with a comment or like... Better yet, share it with someone you care about!