Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #51: "The Work" in Action- a real life, real time example of inquiry



Last night my wife and I had a fight over who was putting Austin to bed. We typically trade nights because bedtime can take a while. I had been on "parenting duty" for a good chunk of the weekend and I made up a grand story in my mind about how much "I" do in that department. The deeper story is, I find it challenging to ask for what I need, ie I needed a bit of a break and some time to myself... Alone. So instead of communicating what I felt in the moment, I made up the story that, I've been doing most of the heavy lifting this weekend so Sarah should put ATX to bed. BIG mistake! In this episode, I share what I was thinking, how I tried to manipulate the situation to get what I wanted and failed to communicate that which I didn't realize I needed. This morning, I used Byron Katie’s worksheets to help me get to the root cause of my dilemma and find my part in the storm I created... In the name of, ”keeping score”... #anotherbigmistake