Level Up Your Course Podcast With Janelle Allen: Create Online Courses That Change Lives

LUYC 116: How to Finish Your Projects and Do Your Best Work with Charlie Gilkey



Hey family! This week’s episode is the live interview from my workshop with Charlie GIlkey, logistics expert turned executive coach, author, and founder of Productive Flourishing. He’s here to talk about his new book, Start Finishing, and how you can finally finish all of those projects you’ve been wanting to dig into.  All great ideas don't matter. What matters is our execution, our ability to pull them into light, ship them in the marketplace, and make the difference that they are going to make.Before becoming an executive coach, Charlie worked in the Army as a Joint Force Military Logistics Coordinator, where he mastered the skills of planning and strategizing. In his book, Start Finishing, he shares his expertise and the 9-step method to re-align your life with the things that matters most. Charlie believes that we’re all meant to do our best work, and a core piece of that is finishing what we start. The strategies in his book help creatives work through three major emotions that hold them back (overwhelm