

Kenny and Andrew define what a "lead magnet" is, explain why it's critical in your marketing strategy, and provide guidance for effectively crafting and utilizing one. In this episode: What is a "lead magnet"? Why are lead magnets so powerful for winning clients? What form can lead magnets take? How do you craft winning lead magnets? Question of the week: How do you increase webinar attendance? Tip of the week: How to ensure you get valid emails with your lead magnet Tweetables Don't have a lead magnet? Good luck getting clients online [Click to Tweet] How to craft lead magnets for fun and profit [Click to Tweet] Did you get a valid visitor email? Are you sure? [Click to Tweet] Extras Lead Magnet example (Andrew) Lead Magnet example (Kenny) Download Episode 07 PDF Transcript The post Episode 07 – The Magic of Lead Magnets appeared first on Magnetic Consultant.