Faith Talks

052 - Things Obey Words Part 1



In the beginning, God was there, the darkness was there, and the Spirit was there, but nothing happened until God SAID, Light BE and light was. God created the whole universe by issuing commands and expecting them to be carried out. God created us to operate and function the same way - to release faith-filled words out of our mouth into our circumstances and expect them to be carried out. Things obey words. Our bodies obey words. Finances obey words. Emotions obey words. Destructive weather and viruses obey words. Every single thing in this earth was designed to obey words. Words contain creative power and destructive power, restoring power or reversing power, the power to change things and the power to rearrange things - but they have to be spoken in order for that power to be released - and the power is in your mouth. Join me for the beginning of this new series about the power of our words and how to release that power for good!