
Embrace the Weird, You'll Be Surprised How Valuable You Are | Ep 7



Are you in high school? Or, if you're the same age as us, do you remember high school? What's the first word that pops into your mind...1...2...3.....GO! Weird, awkward, hard, different.  When I think about this time in my life. I think of myself as an awkward baby giraffe. Have you ever seen this animal run. No?....go ahead, I will wait. YouTube it right now. You will be amused.  This is literally how I felt. I thought I was an adult, I tried to act like an adult, BUT! I was not even close to knowing who are really was and I was very naive.  In this episode, we talk about this awkward time, but we also speak on what makes us great as individuals. We need to embrace our weird. This is our greatest strength.