Big Boss Battle Big Boss Babble

Big Boss Babble Episode 10 — Humble Bundle Purchase, Overwatch, Loot Boxes and Oculus Go



This week’s host was Dann, who was joined by Toby, the Spirit of Terry, and Jorge to discuss a bevy of topics.You can find each of the discussed topics below.00:00:52 – Toby – IGN's acquisition of Humble Bundle - The team discuss the possible repercussions of media giant IGN acquiring digital storefront, publisher, and donation platform Humble Bundle. While this has definitely not been the first case of similar acquisitions and partnerships, a single entity controlling a review platform while earning from game sales does lay out potential for unprecedented conflict of interest, depending on how it is managed.00:06:27 – Toby– Blizzard's lawsuit against an Overwatch Clone - The team discuss the swirling whirlpool of litigiousness which threatens to consume the industry as game giant Blizzard threaten to take the creators of a Chinese clone of the game to court.00:13:20 – Toby – Delayed Launches through Censorship - The team completely misread the date on a piece of news and cel