Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Cherie Burton – The “New” Feminine Leadership Paradigm! – Episode 149



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to bring you this extraordinary woman - Cherie Burton and we're jamming on the "New" Feminine Leadership Paradigm and get into the woo of what is happening in our world right now! In this Episode: Listen in on how Cherie is taking the pandemic positively as an organic shift in consciousness for the planet How the crisis is an eye-opener for building authentic, heart-centered leadership Cherie’s familial journey towards a holistic and natural way of healing Learn how your “mess” can be your powerful “message” The true essence of the feminine leadership paradigm Discover how to experience healing through your sensory pathways What’s stopping women from showing up in their life. Cherie Burton is a pioneering spiritual psychologist whose evolutionary STAND SPEAK SHINE method transforms women into authentically embodied and empowered feminine leaders. As a mother of six, author, international speaker and host of the Women Seeking Wholeness podcast, s